Poker is a family of card games that are played worldwide. Each game has its own set of rules.
The main variations of poker include Draw Poker and Stud Poker. In these games, players are dealt cards face down and may bet against others.
In poker, the player who has the best hand wins the pot; the player with the lowest hand loses it. The winning hand is determined by the poker ranking of the cards dealt and the player’s initial bet.
Each game has its own betting structure and ante. In a standard game of poker, there are usually several rounds of betting, with each round involving different types of bets.
ANTE: A fixed amount of money that all players must post before the start of a hand. The minimum ante is often called the “buy in.”
BAD CARD: A card that is not a king, queen or jack. It can be any number of cards lower than the player’s ace.
OPENERS: The first cards that a player holds that qualify him to be the first to open the pot in jacks-or-better draw. The dealer assists in determining the number of cards that are a good hand for the player to show at showdown.
Raise: The action of a player to increase the amount of money in a pot. The raise can be either a bet or a raise.
All-IN: The action of a player to put all of his or her playable money and chips into the pot during the course of a hand.